x1G – Snapdaq’s edge gateway

The x1G is an industrial Gateway collects, processes, and sends data from our nodes to your backend.

The gateway is a critical part of any solution and our software stack was designed to help you deploy our hardware with ease. Its decentralized network structure facilitates robust data transmission, ensuring continuous operation even under challenging conditions. While our edge framework is designed with your backend in mind.

Mesh Network

x1G built in mesh network offers scalability and resilience regardless of how vast your IoT network expands, the x1G is ready to adapt seamlessly.

Full Connectivity

The industrial IoT gateway is designed with your solution in-mind providing connectivity through wired Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection with easy integration to your required communication protocol such as MQTT, OPC-UA and more!

Data Processinng

The gateway is equipped with a powerful linux platform for running edge computing applications. Providing the capability to process sensor data and convert it to the final sensor reading.

Your Solution

Develop personalised applications utilising our edge frameworks, tools, APIs, and documentation. Accelerating your end-to-end solution.

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Partner with Us

Ready to offer full-fledged IoT solutions? Hardware and software, all-in-one! Together we can help more clients, better.

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Working with us:
What happens next?

We Schedule a call at your convenience 


We do a discovery and consulting meting 


We prepare a proposal 

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